Saturday, January 2, 2010

Snow day!

So today will probably go down as one of the greatest snow days in history for the kids. They spent HOURS outside with dad making an igloo - which Eric later added stairs and a slide to. They also had a snow ball fight with our neighbor. They all got a few good shots in but when you've had snow ball fights for over 60 years you get some good experience on your side. It was fun to watch them. I just home he doesn't get pneumonia now. :) They were all soaking when they were done.

I also used our movie feature on our camera - I'd never tried it before but since our regular video camera has to stay plugged in I didn't take it out to catch the slide action. I couldn't upload them though. :( It was fun.


Amber Bennett said...

FUN!!! We did that yesterday too. I don't have my blog updated yet though.

Lyon Pride said...

FYI-it takes a long time to upload video. It looks like it isn't doing anything and then it eventually will show a picture from the video.